Apparently there are Myths and Lies about Cochlear Implants spreading. The article attempts to stop misinformation using strong tones.
My thoughts:
Lie #1: It doesn’t give the whole story. The doctor did drill a hole to insert the implant. The implant is right beneath the skin behind my ear. No hole, just a small bump. But, there is indeed no hole where this bump is located.
Lie #2: It was *my* decision to have the implant done. I did my research. Yes, I talked to my family, too, because their support makes all the difference. In the end, no one made this decision by me, myself, and I. This lie didn’t bother to address parents of young children who are born deaf. Of course, the parents made the decision to have the implant. The earlier, the better. If the parents wait until the child is 18 to make his own decision, the child will have missed the best window for learning to hear better and that window is opened before 18 months of age.
Lie #3: In agreement with this one. Y’all saw it took time for me to recover and recovered I did.
Lie #4: Thanks for the laugh. We are CI, you will be assimilated, resistance is futile. All your deaf are belong to us.
Lie #5: I explained this in a previous post that a person is more than welcome to use ASL. ASL is not going away especially since not everyone can be helped with a CI or even have one. Again, why do we not hear about #147;Blind Culture?”
Lie #6: True! They cost a lot of money and the health insurance companies pay for them. My company did NOT pay in full. We argued with them until we were blue in the face. It cost $200 for outpatient surgery. If I had stayed over night, it would’ve cost a percent of the surgery. Yes, we are on a major health plan.
Lie #7: I am a prelingual deaf adult (deaf before I learned speech) and I believe it’s working for me. Still early, but it will pay off.
Lie #8: This was the myth that took me a long time to verify. Back in 1984, when we first looked into CI and it was only one channel, it definitely wasn’t a good replacement for my hearing aids. Already, I’ve been able to hear a few things from a distance that I couldn’t hear with my hearing aids. The rest will come with time as I adapt.
Lie #9: I’m not a member of the so-called deaf community. However, if I had friends who were deaf, I certainly would not abandon them. Sheesh.
Lie #10: This is overboard. We all have the right to talk about anything we choose.