They Have Rebuilt Her

Hello everyone, this is Paul “the husband” reporting in to let everyone know that Meryl is recovering well.
She reported to the hospital at 5:oh my G-d 30, and answered the same questions from different people 14 times. We were originally told that surgery was going to be 2 hours, however, she was rolled into surgery at 7:20, it started at 7:45 and she was out at 8:30. The doctor reported that it was very uneventful. Meryl woke up around about 9:00 and we are on our way home by 10:15.
After arriving home, she rested uncomfortably in bed sporting a very stylish headband which is very reminencent of a 1980’s red Day-Glo “Valley Girl” headband. After an extended nap, she is awake now and feeling better, and has ceased to say “It hurts! I’m very dizzy! Why did I do this!”
She goes back to the doctor tomorrow for her surgery follow up and either she or I will report back.


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  1. I’m glad to hear (ha!) that you came through the initial process without any complications, I hope the rest of it is free of complications as well. Boring story, but happy ending that way!

    • Donimo on July 21, 2003 at 11:32 pm

    Salutations Meryl!
    Rest well and take it easy. The hard part’s over.
    Wishing you the speediest possible recovery!

    • Chris on July 28, 2003 at 11:59 pm

    Hope you are doing \better each day. Your notes on the progress with your CI are wonderful! I otta send people HERE to read them. Keep us up to date when you get to the mapping part! I myself am deaf (use hearing aids). I happen to read all of your contributions in the Winodws Daily…think you are great. Think you can find me a job? LOL
    Take care

    • Lisa on December 29, 2003 at 6:15 pm

    Glad to hear that everything worked out and thank you for this cite, interesting reading. I am interested in the bionic ear myself could you please write me and tell me if it has wires on both the inside or out or just the outside and what it looks like and how it feels. It would be greatly appreciated. Again congradulations. Lisa

    • Lisa on December 29, 2003 at 6:18 pm

    Hi this is Lisa, forgot to give you a response email address for my questions about the bionic ear,it is LaFemme19 @

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