Captioning, Transcripts and Teachable Moment

Love this story about working with NASA:

I was approached by a web developer who was working on a project for NASA: an out-reach program geared towards students at all levels (K-4 through “higher ed”) that essentially encouraged students to use NASA Videos and create “remixes”. Since NASA is clearly a Section 508 respondent, the preview videos on NASA’s site required captioning, but the developer was curious what to do regarding the videos being offered as downloads. Somehow, she ended up IM’ing me at work and we had an interesting exchange.

After a bit of discussion, I proposed that they (NASA) include numerous
‘pieces’ of digital data in a zip file, and some of those bits would be the time-stamped transcript and ‘flat’ transcript, so that the students would have those pieces of the total ‘picture’ to use and remix at the same time that they mixed and mashed their visual media.

And here is the NASA site.
Speaking of captioned videos, here is Easy YouTube caption creator – a very rough first ‘build’ from Accessify and Project Possibility on captions.


    • Bill on February 24, 2009 at 4:43 am

    The Accessify captioner is fun to use, if you have a transcript.
    Like “Guitar Hero” with words.

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