Designing Web Sites for People with Disabilities

Check out Digital Web Magazine’s Understanding Disabilities When Designing a Web site.
Also, A List Apart and issue 265 has a pleasant surprise — Deafness and the User Experience. The article offers well-rounded insight into deafness in general, the culture, captioning, and more. Thanks, Deborah, for letting me know as soon as it was out.
Helping the Deaf See Sound uses software that changes the sizes of the circles based on the sound’s volume and pitch. Not sure how it would help or affect deaf people, but it fascinates.
Interested in knowing more about the author, I clicked Lisa Herrod‘s link and discovered a fantastic video with a neat twist.


    • Hana on September 18, 2008 at 6:47 pm

    I found the video to be very interesting point of view! And amusing!

    • Sarah on September 25, 2008 at 4:50 am

    I’ve always known about designing for people with visual impairment – never actually thought about taking HoH and deafness into account.
    That was a pretty good article by Digital Web Mag.

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