Oppose Requests for TV Programs without Closed Captions

Time to take action and it only takes a few minutes. Just filled out the form myself. Deadline: March 27, 2007.
From DeafNetwork newsletter:
The battle for TV closed captions continues. It is time to take action. Time to oppose requests from TV programs to be shown without closed captions, in your state.
The NAD made it easy to do. It must be done by March 27, 2007.

Remember last September, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved almost 300 TV programs, produced by non-profit organizations, to be shown without closed captions? The NAD, along with other consumer advocacy groups, and hundreds of consumers like you, asked the FCC to overturn the September 2006 decisions and support closed captions. Those advocacy efforts were successful.
The FCC suspended the September 2006 decisions and identified 494 TV program requests for waiver of the closed captioning rules. The NAD, along with other consumer advocacy groups, has been working hard. We prepared and filed comments/oppositions to 449 of those 494 requests for TV programs to be shown without closed captions. We will file comments/oppositions to the remaining 45 requests very soon. The NAD has also made it easy for you to file your comments/oppositions online.
We need your support. These TV programs and the FCC need to hear from you!
We need you to send your comments and oppose requests for TV programs to be shown without closed captions, in your state.
The NAD prepared a list for each state. Each list has the TV program name, number, producer, a summary of the request, and a recommendation for FCC action. The NAD provides a link to the FCC website for filing your comments/oppositions online. The process is more complicated than sending an e-mail, but the NAD provides step-by-step instructions for filing online.
The NAD included a Sample Comment/Opposition you can copy and use. The NAD also makes it easy for you to create a customized comment/opposition, to address different types of TV programs and recommendations for FCC action.
Take Action NOW! Go to http://www.nad.org/opposeTVwithoutCC.


    • Ronda Alexander on March 23, 2007 at 2:29 pm

    I want the closed caption to stay all the programs and news. I love the programs and crafts and many differents programs that I really love to watch. If there is no closed caption—how can I learn? I am no dog!!!!!!!!!!! NO WAY!!!!
    Please don’t remove the closed caption PERIOD!!!!!
    My husband always watch the news everyday and hate to read the newspaper! Also he loves to watch the programs at night time.
    Thanks, Ronda/Everett Alexander

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