This is unbelievable. Deaf Ballplayer on Kauai Fights for Right to Play. I thought we came a long way from such events. For goodness sakes, it’s been over 20 years since I was 11 (And I started playing not long after Title IX in 1972, so you’d think I’d have more resistance then than today.) and there was no question as to whether or not I should play.
But there is one difference between the Kauai boy and me: he used an interpreter (his own dad!). No matter — it doesn’t affect the game to have an interpreter.
I agree, that’s just ridiculous! It’s not like the interpreter is going out and swinging for him or running or fielding. All he is doing is translating the coach’s instructions.
To give that little boy fully equal access, they should have a professional, certified interpreter who is bound by the RID (Registry of Interpreters) code of ethics to act as a neutral faciliator of communication. I wonder if that would help calm whatever fears the officials have about having an interpreter in the dugout – knowing that if the interpreter did anything unprofessional, they’d have some recourse.
I know at least one interpreter who works at the University of Hawaii, and they recently opened a video relay call center in Hawaii as well. So I’m a little surprised to see that they’re being so backwards about accessibility. Maybe it’s because the boy is so young – his parents may not be aware of his rights either.
Ditto. I’m also deaf and from Hawaii (I’m also a CImplantee) and this case just gets my goat. Let the li’l feller play, fer cryin’ out loud. Having an interpreter, parent or otherwise, is a reasonable accomodation in light of ADA and I sure would like to see the family sue the pants off of the Little League local division office. It was so danged fool stupid. I’m still shaking my head over this.