Deaf Major Leaguer Wanna-be

Many of you probably know of Curtis Pride, a deaf- and speech-impaired ball player. He’s been on the verge of making the majors a few times. Currently, he is at camp with the Angels in California.
We may have another Pride coming up. Fellow southpaw and pitcher, Ryan Ketchner, is trying to get there. At the moment, he recovers from elbow surgery. I like Ryan ‘cuz he’s with the Dodgers at the moment and he’s a lefty 🙂 I’m a big Brooklyn Dodgers fan—thanks to my dad.
I played sports all through my childhood. Loved it. I gained a lot of confidence and felt at home. Being deaf was never given a thought. I had no problems following anything and I played soccer, softball, basketball, and volleyball. One of my biggest regrets was not sticking with volleyball for all four years of high school. Funny, I earned a varsity jacket by playing on the soccer team, my weakest sport.
My daughter loves volleyball. She’s tried soccer, basketball, and t-ball, but dropped those for volleyball. It’s amazing how much politics and competition there is even in 11-years-old age group. Hello? These kids need to learn and master skills instead of killing each other and fighting for dominance.