Hearing Aid Tax Credit

The Senate's side of the Capitol Building in DC.

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From [Hearing Aid Tax Credit web site](http://www.hearingaidtaxcredit.org/):
What would the Hearing Aid Assistance Tax Credit Act do? And, what are the differences in the House and Senate legislation?
The bill in the House of Representatives (H.R. 1646) would provide a tax credit towards the purchase of each hearing aid of up to $500 per hearing aid, available once every 5 years. It would be available to 1) individuals age 55 and over, or 2) those purchasing a hearing aid for a dependent. The House bill excludes coverage for those with incomes over $200,000/year. The bill in the Senate (S. 1019) would provide the same $500 credit but would cover all age groups.

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Learn more about the [Hearing Aid Tax Credit](http://www.hearingaidtaxcredit.org/cosponsors.cfm).


    • Tousi on February 8, 2010 at 11:48 am

    This is now over a year old. Is this credit now available for 2009 tax returns?

    • Tousi on February 8, 2010 at 11:48 am

    This is now over a year old. Is this credit now available for 2009 tax returns?

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