March 2009 Accessibility Updates

Laura Carlson reports many exciting accessibility updates. Why should businesses bother captioning? National Association of the Deaf (NAD) reports that 32 million Americans have some type of hearing loss and another 32 million Americans were born in another country (learning English). 18 million Americans are five-years-old or younger (reading).
Now the latest happenings:
The Paciello Group captions their webinars. Wow. Learn from ’em, webinar folks!
The Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP) developed the keys to access guidelines for captioning.
Stanford Online Accessibility Program on captioning media for iTunes.
iTunes U and Accessibility discussion.
Man With Small F (The Inaccessible PDF Song)
Podcast Captions tutorials.
Creating Accessible Components in Flash and Flex and Part 2
Adobe Flash accessibility design guidelines
Great stuff, eh?


  1. Cool. I am going to read over the “Captioning Key” from DMCP to make sure that my captions are close to standards.

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