This Guy Is Stuck in the Dark Ages

This LA Times letters to the editor (requries free registration — excerpt below.

I am very much in favor of any court decision that allows the handicapped the widest possible latitude in the workplace (“UPS May Appeal Ruling on Deaf Drivers,” Oct. 23).
However, I have concerns about total deafness behind the wheel.
In UPS’ case, its drivers are continuously exposed to every kind of urban traffic scenario including the frequent screams of emergency vehicle sirens, which could become a recipe for disaster to an operator who cannot hear them.
Alan P. Linsky
Beverly Hills

First he uses ‘handicapped,’ a most inappropriate term that needs to go away (including the name of the parking spaces).
I read in several places that people who can’t hear are better drivers. We’re not on the cell phone while we’re driving. We rely on our eyes more. There is equipment to help notify the driver if there are sirens nearby (I had one and hated it — it scared the heck out of me and it went off when there were no sirens).


    • Alicia on November 5, 2004 at 10:02 am

    Umm … don’t emergency vehicles also have flashing lights? I’ve had several instances where I’ve been riding with a hearing driver and alerted her to emergency vehicles BEFORE she was even aware of the sirens.
    Also, one thing that’s a huge help is that where I live, all intersections have a small bright white light that flashes when an emergency vehicle is approaching. It’s very obvious and when I see it, I immediately scan my surroundings to locate the vehicle. I think it works VERY well for all drivers, regardless of whether they’re hearing or deaf.

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