Tag: school

Magnetizing Implant

Recently had a couple of funny incidences with the implant. I was changing out the batteries and thought I dropped one. I looked all over the floor for it and it refused to be found. I put all three batteries in and was about to put the implant back on when I saw a battery …

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Experience the Awareness

Last Friday, my kid’s elementary school held a program called “Experience the Awareness.” The point of the program is to have the kids learn about the struggle behind the different disabilities and learning differences. Kids rotate through 10 stations, spending about five minutes (too short) at each station. We covered muscular dystrophy, missing limb, injured …

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Public Speaking

My sister told me about a conference scheduled for November here in Dallas and encouraged me to submit a proposal. I’m not afraid of public speaking, but rather others understanding me and hearing their questions. A few years ago, I did a panel at sxsw and it went OK. I was the moderator, so I …

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The Front Row Dork

School, meetings, conferences, speakers. I felt like a dork having to sit in the front row in school by choice. I was grateful to teachers who did assigned seating saving me from “making the decision” to sit in the front. Dorkier than sitting in the front row in a class: sitting near the front when …

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