Tag: videos

Closed-Captioned Video Examples

Search Google for CC videos

Char James Tanny put together a great list of resources on captioned videos. I wanted to capture it here so I could embed videos, share a few notes and post screen shots from YouTube. They are examples showing how the following types of videos differ: no captions basic captions (built-in video) captions (turn on/off) transcripts …

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British Deaf Comedian

Learned about Steve Day, a Deaf comedian from the U.K. So I did a little searching and here is his MySpace page. Looks like he has a busy performing schedule, and you can watch a video of him on a game show.

Deaf MTV and Open Captions Project

Thanks to BrownEyedGirl for bringing my attention to Deaf Performing Artists Network (DPAN), which presents music-style videos with sub-titles, ASL or both. There’s more ASL than there are captions. I watched “Where’d You Go” and it is well done and the music rocks. Unfortunately, only bits and pieces are captioned and I try to fill …

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Insight into the Deaf World

This superb article from the Houston Chronicle by Clarence Page of Washington, D.C., and Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist. It looks at mainstreaming, Galludet and its presidential challenges, the culture, and cochlear implants. Everyone should read the last four paragraphs. When you divide the world between “us” and “them,” even in reaction to prejudices, you run …

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Online Video Captions

For many of us, the Internet erased communication barriers until videos started gaining popularity with sites like YouTube and TV networks making episodes of shows available as downloads. We can watch the TV shows on TV with captions, but the downloaded videos are silent — without captions. The Wall Street Journal took notice with its …

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Deaf Statistics

The Dallas Morning News writes a story about a teen who is deaf and doing very well with a cochlear implant. He has a bright future ahead of him. The article also looks at the contoversy with cochlear implants. Here are insightful statistics on deafness and cochlear implants that appear at the end of the …

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Closed Captioning in Google Video

About time someone did something! Closed Captioning Hits Google Video says that Google is captioning select videos. You can see a list of videos with captions here. Mostly stuff from NOVA and documentaries, but you can find a few fun videos like Mariah vs. Whitney. Unfortunately, the captions are a little faster than the singer.

Virtual Reality Teaches Math to Deaf

Purdue’s Envision Center for Data Perceptualizatoin reports its computer graphics students have created a virtual world using high-tech cameras and “cybergloves” that can translate body and hand motions into digital images to help teach math to deaf students. This technology lets a user interact with virtual characters. [Link: Kotaku]

AOL Closed Captions for Online Video

Fabulous news! About time a company did something. America Online announces close captions for online video. AOL today announced it is now testing closed captions for streaming news content from CNN that will enhance the online media experience for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. Captioned CNN video content will be available throughout …

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