July 2009 archive

Will Mozilla Blow It on Captioning?

Joe Clark, accessibility advocate extraordinaire, posted “[Will Moz blow it on captioning?](http://blog.fawny.org/2009/07/27/mozcc1/)” I don’t know what’s the right answer. But so many organizations do it differently, it’d be near impossible to have a standard for everyone that’s easy to use.

Text to Speech with TextAloud

I don’t forget other people have different challenges from the deaf. Just received a note about [TextAloud](http://www.nextup.com/TextAloud/index.html), a text reader solution that costs $30. TextAloud software translates any written text into speech including web sites,emails, documents and PDF files. TextAloud doesn’t require other hardware. Users export their reading into sound files for listening on portable …

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Closed-Captioned Movie Trailers

After seeing *Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince*, it got me thinking there has to be a place online to view many subtitled trailers in one place. Within a few minutes, I found [http://www.yourlocalcinema.com/](http://www.yourlocalcinema.com/). [CaptionFish](http://captionfish.com) has subtitled trailers for the current releases, but I wanted to find them all in one place without trying to …

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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Trailer

Here’s the link to view the closed-captioned trailer of the sixth Harry Potter movie. [http://www.captionfish.com/movie/harry-potter-and-the-half-blood-prince](http://www.captionfish.com/movie/harry-potter-and-the-half-blood-prince) Wonder when a captioned version of the movie will reach the Dallas area. Definitely not next week.