Deaf People Wanted for Reality Shows

Rita suggests deaf people with families to apply to be on a reality show as few have shown deaf families. She lists three shows.
Extreme Makeover Home Edition had deaf parents (Vardons) on the show and the Llanes who have a deaf son. Plus it takes a lot to qualify for the show. I think a deaf family on Wife Swap would be a wonderful eye opener for viewers.
Wife Swap: Wives trade places and join the other’s family.
Super Nanny: Having trouble with difficult children? Super Nanny helps.
Extreme Makeover Home Edition: Family in difficult situation with home that’s dangerous or falling apart? Requires a lot of crying on TV.


    • MM on March 18, 2008 at 4:54 pm

    I don’t think it is a good idea for deaf to get involved with the media circus acts, recent deaf apperances have gone very negative towards them, and of course reflect on us too. Reality shows work on the basis of ‘heroes’, ‘poor things’, or one step above the circus ring, neither are worthy of deaf involvement.

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