Tag: math

Telecoms in UK Provide More Calling Options

Deaf Americans should be grateful for the relay options we have as most of it is free especially the Internet-based services. According to UK Telecoms opening up for deaf callers, users must pay one pound (equivalent of USD $1.89) PER MINUTE!

Deaf Jews in Math

Deaf Jews in Mathematics — not that we need to break it down by religion and disability, it’s fascinating. Very cool. I’m impressed with all mathematicians as it was a struggle for me in advanced math classes such as trig, elementary analysis, and calculus. I never understood why I didn’t do better at math as …

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Virtual Reality Teaches Math to Deaf

Purdue’s Envision Center for Data Perceptualizatoin reports its computer graphics students have created a virtual world using high-tech cameras and “cybergloves” that can translate body and hand motions into digital images to help teach math to deaf students. This technology lets a user interact with virtual characters. [Link: Kotaku]