Tag: captioning

Response to Viewpoint about Deaf Community

Hunger Games captions

I appreciate Kayla Davis sharing her experience as the child of parents who are deaf in January 4’s Viewpoints. However, readers need to hear (no pun intended) another person’s perspective. When my parents found out I was born profoundly deaf, they chose to raise me orally. As a result, I learned how to communicate by …

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Air Travel for the Deaf

Austin news channel KXAN reports on new technology in a San Antonio that will make it easier for the deaf when they’re at the airport. Deaf Link is an airport station that lets a deaf passenger connect with a Deaf Link interpreter through the Internet and communicate ith airport or security personnel. But this is …

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Video Game Accessibility Campaign

Michelle Hinn campaigns for more accessibility for disabled gamers addresses something few of us think about. Well, I think about it when I play games with a lot of audio, but when do I ever have time to play games? I remember a few instances where one of my kids played a game and asked …

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Employers and Deaf Employees

How to Calm a Nervous Employer provides suggestions on how people with hearing loss deal with interviews and telephone calls. I especially appreciate the “Left Out” section as that’s been a life-long challenge. I have a contact number for my business, but I also link to an entry on how the relay service works. I’ve …

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The Open & Closed Project

To keep things simple in explaining this important project, I’ve listed the bullets from the Open and Closed Project Web site. 1. Write standards for the four fields of accessible media — captioning, audio description, subtitling, and dubbing — based on research and evidence. 2. Conduct research when the existing research or evidence does not …

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Internet Scammers Target Deaf Community

Internet Scammers Target Deaf Community doesn’t surprise me. Many people view senior ciritizens and people with disabilities as weak — easy to scam. That’s why I believe religious organizations keep coming to me (there’s no question they target me because I’m deaf). Such organizations believe deaf people are easier to sway especially since we can …

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More Ugly News on Captioning Exemptions

An update to previous entry on Captioning News: Not Good News: By Cheryl Heppner Many of you have been following the recent saga of sudden mass exemptions granted for closed captioning of TV programs. The exemptions, over 270 of them, were given by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to mostly faith-based organizations. Few of these …

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Deaf Comedy and Jokes

Well, as a lipreader-instead-of-sign-language-user, I can’t catch these videos from DeafJoke.tv. But I get the third comic strip and I love it. Though I may not use an interpreter, I’ve had plenty of situations when I had delayed reaction or laughter because someone had to tell me what happened. Funny snakes, too. I hate it …

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Captioning News: Not Good News

Time to start writing! From DeafNetwork: The News Just Got Worse! By Cheryl Heppner In addition to the two exemptions announced today, the Federal Communications Commission has sent out 250 more letters granting captioning exemptions! They are apparently poised to send out another huge batch of letters that will amount to a total of about …

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